Sugar is a completely natural product that is obtained from sugar cane and doesn't contain any additional substances. It is a carbohydrate in its pure form. Carbohydrates are especially important for our lives, as they are the body's preferred energy sources. 50 to 55% of the energy per day is provided with the carbohydrates, 10 to 15% with the protein and 30 to 35% with the fat.


The beet sugar produced at the AGRANA's factories consists of nearly 100% pure sucrose. Sucrose is a disaccharide which is formed from the chemical building of fructose and glucose. All forms of sugar, also including maltose and lactose besides sucrose, are processed by our bodies into glucose, which is a valuable source of energy. Therefore organisms needs sugar, after physical exercise particularly.


Sugar isn't the good figure enemy, although we often use it as a justification for the bad. The truth is that we get fat when we eat too much and we move too little. One gram of sugar has just as many calories as one gram of protein, 4 kcal, which is less than half in one gram of fat (9 kcal). Thus, a lump of sugar in your morning coffee doesn't contain more than 15 kcal (63 kJ).


Due to the fact that it contains almost 100% sucrose, sugar is often stigmatized as a supplier of "empty calories" and a a vitamin depilatory. The concern that sugar consumption will reduce the uptake of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals is unfounded. Sugar rarely or never is consumed in isolation but always as a sweetening agent with different foods. With its sweet taste, sugar also often contributes to nutrient-rich products with an unattractive taste to make them more accepted by consumers. The accusation of vitamin depletion is not justified. Vitamin B1 in our metabolism ensures that sugar is utilized. However, this also applies to other carbohydrates, i. e. from bread, potatoes and noodles. Our body sources vitamin B1 from a mixed diet. One more reason to ensure a balanced and moderate diet with carbohydrates, fats and protein as well as vitamins and minerals.


Honey, brown sugar, yellow sugar, refined sugar with molasses residue, grape sugar and fruit sugar are often considered as "healthier" cousins of white sugar. But is that a true and how different are they in fact?

Honey consists mainly of sugars such as fructose and glucose. The other ingredients are water, minerals and plenty of vitamins that are not enough to meet the body's needs.

Brown sugar is also sucrose, which mixed with sugar cane syrup and caramelized crystal sugar acquires a finer taste.

Yellow sugar is produced from sugarcane-derived sucrose and also contains a syrup residue. That is why sugar gets a yellowish color and a characteristic flavor.

Once refined sugar is the previous grade of crystalline sugar and contains a relatively high percentage of molasses.

Grape sugar (glucose) is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) that exists in all higher plants. It is mainly derived from starch degradation and is met on the market either as a crystallized product or in the form of glucose syrups.

Fruit sugar (fructose) is also a monosaccharide and it is mainly found in fruits and honey. Pure fruit sugar is produced by decomposing sucrose.  The glucose-fructose syrup is produced by isometry of glucose syrups - converting a portion of the glucose into fructose, that, after processing, is used in the food industry.